What happens when you listen to a motivational speaker? Well, it is simple, you feel motivated. I promise you, the same thing can be true in your workplace. If you are motivated and enthusiastic about your job, others notice, and most times they become more motivated and enthusiastic themselves. Personally, I have witnessed this many times myself. When I surround myself with positive individuals, i feel more positive and upbeat myself.

We have all been in environments where there is that one employee that wants to be negative about all things. What happens when that individual projects their negativity into a group? If there are not other individuals to spread positive vibes, the negativity can become infectious. Lets say you are tasked with conducting a new employee orientation, are you going to complain about everything that happens during your work day? Of course not. You are going to discuss how important each and every member of the team is. You will talk of all the benefits of being blessed to be working with such an innovative organization. In a sense, you will be giving a “pep” talk. The most important element to motivating others is to be genuine in your motivational tools. Often times the pride you take in your job will influence your neighbor to take as much pride in a job well done.

I personally experience this daily. I find that when I am teaching a class and I am enthusiastic and engaging with my course material, my students are equally excited to learn and try out the techniques that we are discussing. I get a lot of positive feed back from former students about much more exciting their careers are after taking my course and learning in a different and exciting way. And this feedback makes me feel great about the people that I help educate and become valuable employees.

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